Act to ensure affordable, pure drinking water in the greater Portland area.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Great News!
This protozoa has never threatened Bull Run water because the primary sources (humans and domestic animals) are prohibited from entry into the Bull Run Management Unit. We thank Senator Merkley (who helped the EPA understand the unique nature of the protected Bull Run), the OHA, the Portland City Council, the Water Bureau and those activists, organizations, and businesses who fought so long and hard to halt the unnecessary expenditure of at least $90 million (plus annual operating costs). Thank you so much!
Now we need to submit comments to the OHA and encourage the agency to set more reasonable and less costly monitoring conditions with establishment of the variance. The only EPA-approved protocol for testing for Crypto is terribly flawed (according to water experts) and the agency's draft conditions rely far too heavily on that method. Stay posted for details on comments and plan to attend a hearing in Portland on December 14th.
Even then, our work is not done. We now call for a commitment from the Portland Water Bureau and the Portland City Council to focus and correct the second part of the flawed EPA rule (dealing with our historic reservoirs) as New York City is doing. As of today, we've accomplished what no other city has. Let's keep up the good work!
Friday, October 21, 2011
PolitiFact more “politi” than “fact” today
When (in July 2011) New York City’s meaningful, relentless efforts to extract LT2 reform (and save billions of dollars) manifested an official EPA agreement to review and reform LT2 madness, Portland had an opportunity to freeze all spending on every LT2 related project (Powell Butte tanks, Kelley Butte Tanks, Mt. Tabor disconnect). But they didn’t. Instead, our City Hall allows our Water Bureau to move forward with these projects under the claim that they were “in the long-range plan anyway”. We’ll apparently need them in 50 years; never mind we can’t afford to upkeep them for the next 50 years until we need them; never mind that we already have more storage than we can use even without these new tanks; and never mind that the “long-range plan” from which these source was written 20 years ago, based-on what have become obviously incorrect consumption projections, and that the very Consultant who wrote this “long-range plan” now hopes we’ll stick to it no-matter-what because he’ll make billions on the construction of said projects.
Those citizens that read everything related to this issue know that PolitiFact just plain doesn’t get it, that Portland’s City Hall has NOT contributed meaningfully to this fight since 2009, and that there are more than enough examples of this kind of inept action (i.e. inaction) to make even the most polite Portlanders hot under the collar.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Let's get going!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Thank You!
- Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association
- Central Eastside Industrial Council
- Portland Business Alliance
- Eileen Brady, member of the Mt. Tabor Reservoirs Independent Review Panel (2004) and candidate for Mayor of Portland
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Finally - Breakthrough!
And we heartily endorse this sentiment:
Commissioner Fritz: Leadership
We thank Commissioner Amanda Fritz for her steadfast defense of our drinking water and pocketbooks. While some on the Portland City Council ask our congresssional delegation to provide information, she provides sorely needed leadership in her renewed call for a halt to unnecessary and wasteful construction. Excerpts from her statement are below.
"With the decision of the Environmental Protection Agency to review the Safe Drinking Water Act regulation often referred to as LT2, with respect to open reservoirs in New York, the City of Portland should halt plans to move forward with Kelly Butte underground reservoir construction until further regulatory review is completed."
"If there is a chance that we can save water ratepayers money, we need to take a timeout and review our options."
"In light of the recent success of New York Senators Schumer and Gillibrand to win a stay on open reservoir coverage in New York, along with White House directives to reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens, clearly it is time to reassess Portland's LT2 Compliance policy. We should start by asking for a change in the schedule for compliance, and the associated multimillion dollar construction projects. Those include the Ultraviolet treatment facility EPA is requiring to treat our Bull Run water even though it doesn't have the Cryptosporidium contaminant, and underground facilities EPA says are needed to store treated water. Thorough research by the Water Bureau has shown that treating our source water is unnecessary. EPA has not demonstrated that covering our reservoirs will improve public health, yet we know that it will impose extreme and unnecessary financial burdens on the ratepayers."
"...More than 80 individuals and groups from all interests - businesses, unions, environmentalists, neighbors -- ratepayers all -- have signed on to the Water Users group position on this matter, which includes asking for a time out, and seeking regulatory and/or compliance timeline relief."
"With this new development by the EPA for New York, I am again asking my colleagues on the Portland City Council to join together with these citizens and others, in asking the EPA to allow the City of Portland to reopen and make changes to our compliance plan and schedule..."
Monday, August 22, 2011
Exciting News!
- Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association
- Central Eastside Industrial Council
- Portland Business Alliance
- Eileen Brady, member of the Mt. Tabor Reservoirs Independent Review Panel (2004) and candidate for Mayor of Portland
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Independent Utility Commission (IUC)
Good questions raised. Plus... If the Portland Water Bureau hadn't been hiding the ball and funding expensive pet projects unrelated to delivery of great water, would we be having this discussion about an IUC at all?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
We call for new leadership of the Water Bureau
Ratepayer advocates’ statement on the leadership of the Portland Water Bureau
Former member of the City of Portland Water Quality Advisory Committee
Former executive director of Oregon Wild and Oregon Wild Conservation Leaders Fund
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I'm back
By the way, if you want to hear Commissioner Saltzman discuss his proposal for a new Independent Utility Commission (to help in setting City of Portland utility rates), join us at today's meeting of the Portland Utility Review Board (PURB). This group, charged with advising the City Council on utility rates and other things, meets the
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
A huge week!
"We acknowledge and thank you for your efforts to pursue a regulatory variance from Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2) water treatment mandates. We all know that this is a ridiculous one-size-fits-all mandate that fails to take into account the protected, pristine nature of the Bull Run watershed and the purity of our water source, as supported by newly available scientific evidence which conclusively proves that Cryptosporidium does not exist in Bull Run water. We strongly support aggressive efforts to pursue the LT2 treatment waiver. We stand ready to assist you in any way we can."
We're on to a new stage for the Bull Run treatment portion of LT2. Huge thanks to all those who have helped get us this far!
Next, Oregon's Drinking Water Program responded, in part, by posting this information. This webpage states that the decision process will include a public comment period, likely in October.
"Public Health is required under federal law to announce its intent to issue a variance by hearing or by serving of a notice. In addition, Public Health intends to provide an opportunity for public comment from water users during its consideration of the variance request, likely in October. People also will have the opportunity to email their comments to Public Health. These comments will be considered during the decision-making process."
A final decision is expected by the end of December. We will keep you informed of any and all opportunities to defend your drinking water!
Treatment Variance application reveals a stale plant design, flawed testing, and more nonsensical behavior
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Lost one battle - but the war continues
The Bad News: Nick Fish was a complete disappointment, voting against a good budget amendment offered by Amanda Fritz and giving credit to the Water Bureau for work that has not been done and will not be done under Randy Leonard's watch. Dan Saltzman voted for the water rate increase and was absent for the afternoon vote. The City attorney grossly misrepresented the alternative path to compliance put forward by Water User's attorneys, supporting the case for the status quo (Quick! Build $400 million dollars in unnecessary projects as fast as you possibly can!)
The Good News: We had wonderful testimony from businesses and community members. We've created an informed, active, broad coalition and we're growing! There are other opportunities to force a change and we'll be working every one of them.
Join us in sending a huge thanks to Commissioner Amanda Fritz, the only council member to vote against a 13% water rate increase and against hugely wasteful spending in the $80 million Powell Butte 2 construction project. Most importantly, she put forth a budget note that would have required the City, in the coming year, to look at new opportunities for treatment, storage and variance on the open reservoirs.
She did not get a singe vote in support from fellow Commissioners.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The Oregonian: Wednesday is D Day
"Today is D Day. The Portland City Council will decide whether to rescue businesses and residents, or just let them drown in water bills... Until every avenue for obtaining a reasonable extension is exhausted, the City Council shouldn't spend a dime moving forward..The council will decide today whether it's going to be excessively deferential, as in the past, or stand up and defend Portland's beleaguered water bill payers."
Come to Council Chambers Wednesday at 11 am and help the Portland Council Council make the right decision! Here's what you can do.
Portland City Council to vote on Wednesday!
Attend City Council meeting this Wednesday to testify and/or to witness the votes. Check out this information and pass it on to friends, family, neighbors and colleagues. See you at City Hall!
Listen here to short KBOO piece that ran this afternoon. It includes interview with Water User's attorneys.
If you are unable to attend, please be sure to contact your commissioners. Email addresses and phone numbers are here, too.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Hell does not have to freeze over
Over 100 people turned out for Wednesday morning's water rate hearing, which ran over its alloted 30 minutes by almost 5 hours. Forty-five people signed up to speak on behalf of protecting our open reservoirs from senseless LT2 projects, including Siltronics, Portland Bottling Co., Yo Cream, Alsco Linen, and Physicians for Social Responsibility. The next morning Mayor Sam Adams convened a good meeting to learn more about the new legal opinion and an alternate path that could prevent wasteful spending.
Urgent Update: See "What You Can Do" on right panel
KBOO's Joe Meyer ran a 4 minute piece which holds several interesting quotes from Fritz, Saltzman, and Adams (they begin at minute 2:45). But if there is one thing I aboslutely don't want you to miss it's the quote from Dave Wagner, formerly of EPA's Office of General Council, stating there is a legal path to both a variance and a timeline extension for the reservoirs (minute 1:52). It seems Hell does not have to freeze over before our reservoirs can be saved!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
New legal opinion!
Come to City Hall TODAY, May 18!
If Council asks for "no repeat" testimony, stand strong and say your piece. Your reasons and your personal story are your own.
If you bring written testimony, please bring 7 copies so it goes in the record.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Check out KBOO story on Portland Water and Reservoirs
For entire show: click on and then scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you will see a little gray box with a speaker and an arrow. Click on arrow to begin. This show is over 43:00 minutes in length so, if short on time, you might want to slide arrow to minute 3:30 to begin.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
New Support!
John Watt for Teamsters Local #305.
Nancy Newell for Oregon Green Energy Coalition.
Ron Carley on behalf of Coalition for a Liveable Future.
Eric Reimkit on behalf of Marshall Park Estates Homeowners Association.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Mayor's Budget Increases Water Rates 84.7% over 5 years
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Dear Water Bureau Blogger: Please give us substance
Do I need my water bureau spending my money to talk about the weather and the fountains? I'd rather they tweet me everytime they hand out a new multi-million dollar contract. If Water Bureau truly wants to encourage public involvment (and not just propoganda) they can start by giving citizens the information we want... not just the information they want us to have. How about we de-fund the tweet and blog program at Water Bureau, freeing up a staff person to provide the information the community really wants access to.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Portland Water Bureau: Tweeting away your $
TV coverage of rally to protect affordable drinking water
Monday, April 25, 2011
Our Response to Water Bureau OPed in Oregonian today
Opinion: Oregonian publishes Portland Water Bureau response.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Oregonian coverage of today's rally
Click here for the story.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Great News: New Organizational Support!
Rally 12-1pm Friday April 22
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Read all about it: The Oregonian
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Amanda is running for re-election
Friday, April 15, 2011
Randy's thoughts on City Hall elections
85% rate increases and strategies for Bull Run treatment and reservoir construction are sure to play key role in this and other campaigns.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
More Great News: New Organizational Support!
See "What You Can Do" on right and help secure the support of your organization.
Thank you!
The Oregonian covers polling results
Lars on Water Bureau rates today
Listen at KXL AM 750
Good News: New Community Support!
Peter Stark on behalf of Hillside Neighborhood Association.
See "What You Can Do" on right and help secure the support of your organization.
Thank you!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Jack's take on Randy's change of course on $45 million billing system
Take a gander...
Phony Story of the Month
Here's a bogus plot that the local daily newspaper swallows hook, line, and sinker: The staff at the Portland Water Bureau wants to spend millions on fancy new water meters, but Fireman Randy is turning them down because he's a careful custodian of the public's money.What a joke.
No one who works in any office run by the Fireman ever has the nerve to disagree with him -- if they know what's good for them. And he'll spend bureau money on whatever he darn well pleases.
It's an interesting set-up, but anyone who buys it deserves to live in a place run by Fireman Randy.
City Commissioner Randy Leonard changes course on proposed $45 million billing system
Water Bureau staff are now taking the fall for Commissioner Leonard and his budget which was proposed to City Council in March. But that's OK. Click here for article by Brad Schmidt, The Oregonian
More important:
Now they need to change course on the big ticket items:
$500 million in unnecessary Bull Run treatment
and reservoir construction (double this with debt service).
Friday, April 8, 2011
Tomorrow! Visit and learn about Sandy Basin River Restoration
A great, educational forum complete with workshops and field trips awaits you tomorrow.
While oriented towards Sandy Basin landowners, this event is free and open to all.
Check it out here.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Good News! New Organizational Support
TJ Reilly on behalf of Oregon Small Business Association
See "What You Can Do" on right and help secure the support of your organization.
Thank you!
KGW on Saltzman proposal for independent rate review for utilities
4.07.2011 The Oregonian; Brad Schmidt. "Portland Mayor Sam Adams Drops Plan to Use Water and Sewer Money for College Scholarships
Adams first proposed the strategy a year ago and hoped to implement it this week. But growing public skepticism over how water and sewer money is used, and uncertainty among Portland City Council members threatened to postpone approval of the program.
Instead, Adams opted to pay for the program exclusively from the city's discretionary general fund.
"It's important to me that we move this project forward," Adams said before the council unanimously approved the program. "I don't want the debate -- which I think is also important -- about funding sources to cloud or slow down our effort to get scholarships out to up to 200 applicants."
Portland water bureau's expanded mission under Randy Leonard isn't his fault alone
Published: Tuesday, April 05, 2011, 4:30 PM
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
IF you missed yesterday's Think Out Loud
Portland Water Bureau

Bull Run Watershed